Hi Everyone, it's me again Juan Sebastian Before we get into our main topic, I hope this blog of mine would broaden your knowledge on what's happening around us. Did you realise that our way of doing things is different from before? Have you ever thought about it? This time, our world is constantly evolving whether we like it or not. This phenomenon is beyond our capabilities to stop because It's already happening because of the nature. In this blog I would like to explain what is it like living in this situation and before, also how we live through this pandemic. First we gotta go to the past and see how the earth civilization is formed. Kronologi Terbentuknya Bumi Bumi adalah planet ketiga dari Matahari yang merupakan planet terpadat dan terbesar kelima dari delapan planet dalam Tata Surya. Bumi adalah salah satu hasil dari lontaran materi tersebut. Bumi terbentuk sekitar 4,54 miliar (4,54x109) tahun yang lalu melalui akresi dari nebula martahari. Pada awalnya bumi ...